Michael is a paediatrician with both a private and hospital-based practice at Credit Valley Hospital. In addition to providing patient care, he teaches medical students and residents in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. He has served on the Board of Governors of CVH Hospital and CVH Hospital Foundation and was the president of the Medical Staff Association. End of life care and bereavement care are important aspects of Michael’s practice. As a Neonatology Fellow, he did research on the impact of pregnancy loss and perinatal loss on families. He helped start the multidisciplinary Perinatal Bereavement Program across both sites at Trillium Health Partners. In collaboration with Sickkids Hospital, he developed the Paediatric Palliative Care Program at CVH. This program has supported children with life limiting conditions and their families and provided end of life care. This team also supports hospital staff in caring for these children and families. Michael is married with three young adult children. In his spare time, he enjoys biked riding and playing hockey.
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