For grieving children and their families, cultural holidays and other special days can be an especially difficult time. There can be reminders everywhere – on the television, radio stations and at the mall, or when you gather with friends and family. The thought of going through a celebratory day without the person who died is often extremely difficult for a grieving family. It can be very difficult for a grieving parent to carry on with traditions on special days – they often lack the energy and will that is needed during these times.
For some families, the person who died was the primary income earner, and now the family is left to manage on a tight budget. Where the person who died was a child or teen, celebratory holidays and days may bring painful reminders of happier celebrations in times past, and lost hopes and dreams for the child’s future.
Our tip sheets provide some ideas on How to Support a Grieving Family and How to Support Yourself during celebratory periods. We also provide some guidance and ideas for ways that parents, children and teens can take time to remember the person who has died.