Education & Training

The Lighthouse continually develops our approach and learning so we can share with our volunteer group facilitators, participants, and the broader community. Beyond our support groups we also provide educational presentations and training to schools, educational organizations, employers, community agencies, faith communities and other groups on topics such as:

  • Understanding the grieving process
  • Understanding child and youth grief
  • Talking to children about death and dying
  • Supporting grieving students at school
  • Supporting grieving employees in the workplace

We offer training and educational sessions as needed so these organizations can support their community. 

To arrange for an educational presentation or training session, contact us at:

905-337-2333 or

Grief Symposium

Every year, The Lighthouse hosts a Grief Symposium to help all who are interested in supporting grieving children, youth and families, in their workplaces and communities. Follow our social media pages for updates and information on speakers, workshops and topics.

“A lot of people think children are resilient in any circumstance that they may face. Resilience does not happen in a vacuum. They need a supportive community which our societies don’t always provide. It’s important for us to help children who’ve experienced tragic losses to be able to heal.”
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