Kids meet with other kids around the same age who also have a mom, dad, sister, or brother who died. There’s time to talk, play games, do arts & crafts, and have free time too. Talking with other kids who are going through the same thing can help us start to make sense of death and grief and all our feelings, and to be with people who really understand.
If you are interested in the online children’s groups, the video below might help to answer some of your questions.
If you would like to learn more about The Lighthouse, your parent or guardian can call us at: 905-337-2333 or email us at
Sometimes books can help us with understanding death, grief, and exploring all the different feelings we might have after someone has died. Here are some books that might be helpful to you, and help you understand that after someone in your life dies, all your feelings and questions are okay.
If you need to talk to someone, here are some phone numbers you can call for support.
You can reach a professional counsellor 24/7 at Kids Help Phone
Call: 1-800-668-6868
Text: CONNECT to 686868
Facebook Messenger
Live Chat (7pm – midnight)
Youth Line offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support from Sunday to Friday, 4pm – 9:30pm
Call: 1-800-268-9688
Text: 647-694-4275
Live Chat (4pm – 9:30pm)
Naseeha provides a confidential mental health helpline for young Muslims to receive immediate and anonymous support, 7 days a week from 12pm – midnight
Call or Text: 1-866-627-3342
2522 Rebecca St., Oakville ON
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