PreSchool-Grade 1–This title, meant to be shared by a child and an adult, will help youngsters deal with grief. The book is divided into four sections. In Henry’s Story, the family dog tells of Grandfather’s death and describes family members and their various responses (Grandfather died and I am very sad; This is Ling….He is sad after Grandfather died and doesn’t feel like playing ball anymore). Each reaction is different, but considered completely normal. Some pages include a question or two designed to encourage children to talk about their feelings (Can you tell me what you think death is?). Colored photographs are interspersed throughout the dog’s narration. The My Memory Book section contains 19 pages of fill-in-the-blank sentences and opportunities to add or draw pictures. A two-page glossary defines words associated with death and grieving. The last part, For Caring Adults, provides information about a child’s understanding of death, signs of grief, and more.
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