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ISBN-13: 978-1879651517

Publisher: Companion Press

Author: Alan D. Wolfelt

Living in the Shadow of the Ghosts of Grief: Step into the Light

Explaining how multitudes of North Americans are carrying the pain of all types of loss—not just the deaths of loved ones but also the loss of a spouse through divorce, children who leave home, and the decline of health as they age or get sick—this balanced resource empowers mourners and grief counselors to turn grief into an experience to be learned from. Defining the varieties of heartache and its consequences, this effective guide explores how to inventory, understand, embrace, and reconcile one’s accumulated sorrow through a five-phase “catch-up” mourning process. Readers will learn to use a spiritual and holistic approach to examine and integrate the ignored loss from their pasts, so that they can go on to live fuller, more balanced lives.

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