The resource gaps within the sector of grief and bereavement support are extensive, and are typically dependent on geography, i.e. postal codes of service recipients. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the support of people living with intellectual and development disabilities (IDD). Individuals living with such exceptionalities often fall through the cracks of supports, especially when it involves loss, including those that are death related.
In this podcast we are joined by an exceptionally experienced, passionate, and knowledgeable team of clinicians,Tracey Human, Adrienne Carmichael, and Cara Grosset. Collectively the form the ‘Intellectual and Developmental Disability Palliative Care Committee’ in creating a great awareness surrounding the needs of such individuals, as well as the resources available. They also speak to the challenges of inappropriate referrals to children’s grief supports due to an infantilization and marginalization of people living with IDD.
This podcast is dedicated to Claire Staniforth, who suddenly and tragically died a few days before she was to join us to share her thoughts and insights. Her work within the IDD sector, and on the palliative care committee, was invaluable in its contribution.
Join us to hear from these champions and leaders of their respective fields of service!
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