Equitable access to children’s grief is an imperative across all domains of diversity. However there is still much apprehension, discrimination, and lack of appropriate services within grief support for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. In this episode we are joined by Ian Hopkins, a Lighthouse Group Facilitator, and Marcus Logan, a queer married man with two beautiful sons who shares his early experiences as a bereaved child, his father dying when he was 6 years old. With a 20 year history in his community as an educator, advocate, and disrupter of systemic/homo/bi/transphobia in the Children’s Mental Health Systems, Marcus also speaks to some of the challenges of queer youth seeking appropriate and aligned grief support. Having an adopted son who is Anishnawbe, Marcus also speaks to the plight of many Indigenous peoples within social services, as well as his experience witnessing the grief and trauma with the discovery of the remains of 215 children buried at the Kamloops residential School.
Join us for an engaging, and enlightening episode!
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