Southern Ontario is thought to host the most diverse demographic of peoples in the world. However, within this geography culturally humble grief services, especially for children and youth, are sparse, and in most cases not aligned with the personal culture of those seeking support. In this podcast we are joined by Danielle Francesca Lobo, who is the founder of The Healing Boat Inc., and is currently the Youth Bereavement Coordinator with Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities. In this episode she gracefully shares her insights, thoughts, and wisdom regarding youth grief within multicultural communities. She also speaks about the youth bereavement program she began and facilitates with SCHC that utilizes a multicultural and multi-faith approach to death and grief. Danielle also sheds light on grief as it relates to intergenerational trauma, the legacy of ancestry, and what she calls ‘death by racism’.
Join us for an inspiring and deeply insightful episode!
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